
crack ball Learn more about crack ball

  • The latest causes of cracking in cabbage and its control measures

    The latest causes of cracking in cabbage and its control measures

    Cabbage is a common cabbage in our life, which is deeply loved by many people, and there are also many growers, but there are many farmers' reaction that cabbage has the phenomenon of cracking, which is very easy to occur in the later stage of cabbage growth. So what is the origin of cabbage crack ball?

    2020-11-10 The latest cabbage crack ball cause and control measures is
  • Causes of cracking in cabbage and its control measures

    Causes of cracking in cabbage and its control measures

    Causes of cracking in cabbage and its control measures

  • What if there is a crack in planting Chinese cabbage?

    What if there is a crack in planting Chinese cabbage?

    Chinese cabbage, biennial herb, 40-60 cm tall, often glabrous throughout, sometimes with a few bristles on the midrib below the leaves. Native to northern China, it is a leafy vegetable of Brassica in the cruciferous family, usually referring to Chinese cabbage, including Chinese cabbage and heading by a cultivated variety of cabbage.

    2020-11-08 Planting cabbage occurrence crack ball how to do biennial
  • How to prevent cabbage cracking by affecting the appearance of cabbage

    How to prevent cabbage cracking by affecting the appearance of cabbage

    How to prevent cabbage cracking by affecting the appearance of cabbage

  • How to control the soft rot of cabbage after wrapping leaf rot and then leaf ball rot

    How to control the soft rot of cabbage after wrapping leaf rot and then leaf ball rot

    How to control the soft rot of cabbage after wrapping leaf rot and then leaf ball rot

  • Prevent cabbage cracking in early spring

    Prevent cabbage cracking in early spring

    Cabbage in the protected field in early spring is prone to leaf ball cracking, which not only affects the appearance quality and commerciality of cabbage, but also is easy to be infected with diseases, affecting storage and transportation. According to the experiment, the 20-blue crack ball is not only related to variety, but also related to too much water, but has nothing to do with fertilizer. If the water is insufficient, the cabbage is small, if the water.

  • Cultivation techniques of interplanting Dictyophora japonica with bamboo forest for good nutrition and high market benefit

    Cultivation techniques of interplanting Dictyophora japonica with bamboo forest for good nutrition and high market benefit

    Cultivation techniques of interplanting Dictyophora japonica with bamboo forest for good nutrition and high market benefit

  • Control methods of apricot diseases and insect pests

    Control methods of apricot diseases and insect pests

    Control methods of apricot diseases and insect pests

  • How to maintain the best meat cone planting method

    How to maintain the best meat cone planting method

    The unique and small plant type of Cones also has a large number of fans, from sowing to adult plants, teach you how to plant good cones, apricot family can also refer to. Today, Xiaobian brings you the planting method of concha, shares how to plant concha, and looks at the details together.

  • What causes the quality deterioration of summer cauliflower?

    What causes the quality deterioration of summer cauliflower?

    What causes the deterioration of summer cauliflower quality? Please introduce the quality of cauliflower in summer production, often due to the influence of environmental conditions and improper cultivation measures. In many years of planting cauliflower, we have accumulated some experience in preventing the deterioration of common cauliflower quality, which is now introduced to you for reference. ...

  • How do tulips grow in water?

    How do tulips grow in water?

    Tulips are also suitable for hydroponic culture, especially for low-temperature treated bulbs, which take a short time from planting to flowering. Hydroponic tulips are well decorated and easy to operate. (1) the diameter of the tulip bulb in the hydroponic container is about 3 to 5 centimeters, and it is best to have a container with a thin middle and two ends wide.

  • Cone-shaped things on young spruce trees-- control of larch ball aphids

    Cone-shaped things on young spruce trees-- control of larch ball aphids

    On the young trees of spruce, a round shape similar to a small cone often appears in June, which is actually a gall caused by larch aphid. In order to complete a life cycle, larch aphids need to undergo several different insect type changes in spruce and larch trees. Its life process can be seen in 156. What is the white hair on the leaves of larch? Artificial removal of galls from spruce before galls crack. Strengthen preventive measures to prevent the transportation and afforestation of seedlings with insects. Spruce and larch cannot be mixed or planted closely, isolated from each other.

  • How do you grow cabbage? Planting techniques of winter cabbage

    How do you grow cabbage? Planting techniques of winter cabbage

    Winter cabbage refers to cabbage varieties sown in autumn and listed in winter and spring. Planting winter cabbage can fill the gap in market supply and demand, with high yield and high quality.

  • How to manage the heading period of Chinese cabbage

    How to manage the heading period of Chinese cabbage

    Chinese cabbage, biennial herb, 40-60 cm tall, often glabrous throughout, sometimes with a few bristles on the midrib below the leaves. Native to northern China, it is a leafy vegetable of Brassica in the cruciferous family, usually referring to Chinese cabbage; it also includes Chinese cabbage and the cultivated variety of cabbage.

    2020-11-08 Chinese cabbage heading period how management biennial herbal tall
  • How to manage growing lettuce in summer?

    How to manage growing lettuce in summer?

    How to manage growing lettuce in summer? Please introduce the management method of summer planting, first of all, we should pay attention to fertilizer and water management. Due to high summer temperature, strong light, large ground evaporation and large crop transpiration, it is necessary to often water the soil at the initial stage of planting to keep the soil moist. Enter the rainy season from July to August, after each heavy rain.

  • How to manage growing lettuce in summer?

    How to manage growing lettuce in summer?

    How to manage growing lettuce in summer? Please give guidance to summer lettuce planting management methods as follows: first of all, we should pay attention to fertilizer and water management. Due to high summer temperature, strong light, large ground evaporation and large crop transpiration, it is necessary to often water the soil at the initial stage of planting to keep the soil moist. Enter the rainy season from July to August, every.

  • How to plant Brussels sprouts with unique flavor and good nutrition on balcony

    How to plant Brussels sprouts with unique flavor and good nutrition on balcony

    How to plant Brussels sprouts with unique flavor and good nutrition on balcony

  • The method of excavating bonsai piles in the field

    The method of excavating bonsai piles in the field

    The older the bonsai is, the higher the value is. Although wild pile excavation can not be used as the main material source of mass production because of its rare materials, it can be used as an auxiliary means to make characteristic bonsai. It is characterized by rapid shaping and easy to reflect the quaint charm of bonsai, but destroys wild plant resources. therefore

  • What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer?

    What should we pay attention to when growing lettuce in summer? Please give guidance on growing lettuce in summer to pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Pay attention to fertilizer and water management. Due to high summer temperature, strong light, large ground evaporation and large crop transpiration, it is necessary to often water the soil at the initial stage of planting to keep the soil moist. It was rainy from July to August.

  • Dictyophora planting: how can Dictyophora produce high yield?

    Dictyophora planting: how can Dictyophora produce high yield?

    How can Dictyophora be planted with high yield? Please introduce the method of Dictyophora planting in order to obtain high yield, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. Cultivation site: choose sandy loam woodland with convenient drainage and irrigation, and make a border under a forest with a canopy degree of 80%, with a depth of 15-20 cm, a width of 40 ─ 50 cm, and a north-south direction.
